Your information is kept safe and secure and no one else can access your account. Credit card information is taken to make a purchase of a punch card or workshop reservation. All information is on a safe and secure site. Your information is not sold, traded or transferred to any other organization or individual. Your email address will be used to contact you directly about upcoming events or changes or for class cancellations.
Merchandise cannot be returned.
Classes and punch cards are non-refundable.
We are currently teaching online only. We will update this policy when we return to in-person classes, starting in Spring….maybe.
10-class cards have a 6 month expiration date and are valid for online and in-person classes. Cards may be shared with one other person in the same household that is a child or spouse ONLY. Class cards are non-refundable. Workshops not included.
Your safety is important to us! In the event of closing due to snow or other inclement weather, please note we typically follow the BPDS bus cancelation.
***Please check LOVING YOGA facebook and instagram for class cancelations***